About Us
Legal Services Facility (LSF) is leading non-profit organization that strives to increase access to justice for all, in particular for women through a legal empowerment approach. Established in 2011 the LSF is committed to promoting protection o...
Our Goal
Key Results Areas Goals: LSF’s strategic goal is to enhance access to justice for all, in particular for women in the next five years. More speci...
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A society in which all people have equitable access to justice.
To promote and protect human rights by enhancing legal, social, economic and civic empowerment to women, girls and marginalized communities through grant making, policy advocacy and legal aid services.
Core Values

LSF believes in being fair and reasonable in the administration of the law or authority in maintaining it.

Transparency & Accountability
LSF believes in conducting itself in an open and clear manner, and takes responsibility for its actions and decisions.

LSF is inspired to go beyond the normal call of duty to observe and cause justice and equity to all without counting costs.

LSF believes that, all human beings are equal and should be treated equally and fairly.

LSF observes the highest possible ethical standards in all we do.